Alguém disse bem baixinho que minha a vida é um esboço. Bela provocação, mas tenho que divergir.
Esboço é algo que possui em si uma finalidade; no término o esboço se transforma num quadro... E a minha vida? Qual a finalidade?
Careço de utopias e gostaria de sorrir nos feriados. O Estado e a Instituição Igreja jão não podem mais me fisgar com seus caminhos. O elogio do superior é sempre um insulto pra quem leu bons livros. A pergunta continua, finalidade de quê?
Acho que minha vida é um teatro sem platéia e a peça começa sem ensaio, minha loucura é um monólogo chato sem novidade. Talvez assim seja mais sincero do que ficar esboçando o que não nos cabe mais...
Someone said softly that my life is a stub. Nice tease, but I have to differ.
Sketch is something that has a purpose in itself, in the end the sketch becomes a part ...And my life? What is the purpose?
I lack the utopias and I would smile at the holidays. The State and the Institution JaoChurch can no longer hook me with their paths. The praise of top is always an insult tothose who read good books. The question remains, for what purpose?
I think my life is a theater without an audience and the play begins without a trial, mymadness is a boring monologue uneventful. That may well be more honest than to beoutlining what is not ours ... more
Someone said softly that my life is a stub. Nice tease, but I have to differ.
Sketch is something that has a purpose in itself, in the end the sketch becomes a part ...And my life? What is the purpose?
I lack the utopias and I would smile at the holidays. The State and the Institution JaoChurch can no longer hook me with their paths. The praise of top is always an insult tothose who read good books. The question remains, for what purpose?
I think my life is a theater without an audience and the play begins without a trial, mymadness is a boring monologue uneventful. That may well be more honest than to beoutlining what is not ours ... more
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